
Social Housing e-petition to the Assembly

Royston Jones ( Jac o' the North) has posted the following petition to the Assembly:

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to address the flawed system for allocating social housing in Wales.

At present, a person who has never visited Wales can qualify for social housing ahead of someone born and bred in Wales. This is due to the points system giving preference to the homeless, those in unfit accommodation, those recently released from institutions, etc.

At first glance, commendable; but when applied on a UK basis we see an endless stream of people with ‘problems’ from outside Wales denying Welsh people social housing and, too often, blighting Welsh communities.

To remedy this problem we call on the Welsh Government to introduce a period of five-years’ residency in Wales before anyone qualifies for social housing, exempting only political refugees and others escaping persecution.

Those wishing to sign the petition can do so by clicking here


  1. ... a petition to discriminate, unacceptable in the modern world.

  2. The very fact that a points system exists, rather than just a "first come first served" system is in itself discriminatory. Under the current system there is discrimination in favour of people such as those released from gaol or those who have been evicted from elsewhere for anti-social behaviour. The petition asks that law abiding hard working locals are given priority. I don't see anything wrong with that.

  3. But what about those who need social housing but aren't lucky enough to have a place to be called 'local'?

    I'm a Plaid member, and I feel very uncomfortable with this e-petition.

    Iwan Rhys

  4. Iwan- this isn't a Plaid petition or anything to do with the party. Alwyn isn't a Plaid member, neither is Royston Jones.

  5. In some parts of Wales 63% of social housing has gone to incoming migrants leaving our locals at disadvantage, then they take the jobs too. We've people claiming asylum and going to London from Europe, who appear to be just pushing the problem to us all the time, then they are ferried to Wales to be housed. It's about fairness not racial, that's just a card people use to prevent opposition to the dubious scheme. Welsh people seem to be the last in the pecking order of rights, which is an complete shambles.
