
Plaid, Nationalism and Corbyn

I can understand why the left wing supporters of Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party are cock a hoop by his victory in the Labour leadership election, it is a victory for the left, without a shadow of doubt, but I can't understand why Plaid Cymru members are hailing his victory!

For the past 30 years Plaid has had a failed policy of trying to attract votes from the left of Blairist Labour, a policy that has failed miserably, and is now in tatters with a Labour leader who can give Leanne Wood a run for her money on Socialist Policy.

Jeremy Corbin is no fan of Welsh Nationalism, he is an opponent of Devolution, and his attitude to Wales is on a par with George Thomas' fastest run over the Severn Bridge comment and Blairs Fuck the Welsh comment; his, so called, left wing is as indifferent to Wales as his predecessor's right wing was. For the National Cause, nothing has changed by Corbyn's election; right, centre, left - Labour is as opposed to Welsh self determination as ever!

I do however, welcome Corbyn's election; because it might persuade Plaid to realise that its USP is the National Cause rather than a filler for Welsh Labour's historic socialist vacuum!