
Plaid, Nationalism and Corbyn

I can understand why the left wing supporters of Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party are cock a hoop by his victory in the Labour leadership election, it is a victory for the left, without a shadow of doubt, but I can't understand why Plaid Cymru members are hailing his victory!

For the past 30 years Plaid has had a failed policy of trying to attract votes from the left of Blairist Labour, a policy that has failed miserably, and is now in tatters with a Labour leader who can give Leanne Wood a run for her money on Socialist Policy.

Jeremy Corbin is no fan of Welsh Nationalism, he is an opponent of Devolution, and his attitude to Wales is on a par with George Thomas' fastest run over the Severn Bridge comment and Blairs Fuck the Welsh comment; his, so called, left wing is as indifferent to Wales as his predecessor's right wing was. For the National Cause, nothing has changed by Corbyn's election; right, centre, left - Labour is as opposed to Welsh self determination as ever!

I do however, welcome Corbyn's election; because it might persuade Plaid to realise that its USP is the National Cause rather than a filler for Welsh Labour's historic socialist vacuum!


  1. Succinct...

    John Tyler

  2. As well as hoping Jeremy Corbyn victory pushes Plaid Cymru into being a nationalist party again, welsh nationalists should also learn from Corbyn and start campaigning to take their party back from a leadership that’s strayed far from it founding principles.

    1. Lets see where Corbyn goes before hailing him, and let see if he can live with the right wingers stabbing him in the back every minute of the day.
