
New opinion poll on the way

S4C are advertising a programme on the History of Devolution fronted by Dr Richard Wyn Jones and to be shown on the channel next Monday. Apparently the programme will include an opinion poll showing what the people of Wales think of Devolution so far and where we want to go next.


  1. not another opinion poll and on S4C
    I think may be I may give that programme a miss.
    It will be in Welsh and I will get peeved that I pay my money and cannot get to see it
    Back to the X factor sigh

  2. Why not transl888 it mam? It would be a shme to miss out.

  3. I thought you were learning the lingo mam?

  4. I am trying anon but it will be years before I get fluent - no one to practise with
    Fingers crossed there willl be subs - very few and far between sadly scept for Poble

  5. Don't they conduct learning Welsh classes in Merthyr?
