
Sir Em Reports

Here is the long awaited Sir Em report.

£1.3 million wasted on an exercise in stating the bleeding obvious i.e. that the current system of obtaining competence for the Assembly is a dog's breakfast and sometimes referendums are won or lost on issues outwith the scope of the question being voted upon.

Will the next million pound Assembly commissioned report be on the defecatory habits of forest dwelling bears?


  1. I don't think so. Bears no longer inhabit Gwynedd.
    As you say it is a big waste of money but that is how a Labour government wastes public money, by setting up advisory bodies and then rejecting their conclusions. The same has happened in the case of the Nutt report on the use of drugs. At least Syr Emyr has not been sacked (yet).

  2. Isnt this why we have a bearocracy?

  3. Bear faced waste of money

  4. I can'T bear this childish comments! I think the report is Artherchog!

    Ci Du

  5. No doubt, there will have to be a commission appointed to evaluate the findings of the report.

    Oh, woe art we, Sayeth the learned commi-ttee.
    With sumptuous lunches, and sponge cake for tea.
    Potfulls of silver for their master_ful sittings,
    And a degree of pension thrown in for free.

  6. You are right.

    How is this different from Sir Ivor's? Same process. Same cost. Same result.

    Ah, well. Now it's over perhaps we can get back to politics.
