

Last week I noted that I wouldn't be posting much before Christmas because I was bogged down by, amongst other things, preparing a case that I was to present to a War Pensions Appeal Tribunal.

The tribunal was heard today and I am overjoyed to announce that we won!

Today's decision is a landmark one which will be of significance to hundreds of non-deployed Gulf War Veterans who have been fighting for almost 18 years to have their condition recognised by the Service Personnel and Veterans' Agency.

I will post further details latter, for now I'm going to pop a few champagne corks with my "client" (who also happens to be my little sister) - so I will probably be unfit to blog until tomorrow!


  1. Congratulations and well done. A well earned celebration, I will raise my glass to you later :-)

  2. Da iawn ti Alwyn a llongyfarchiadau i ti..siwr bod y chwaer yn falch iawn o'i brawd mawr unwaith eto.

  3. Well, that's one back on them.
