
2016 - The Very Last chance to Vote for Wales!

The main story of the UK General Election 2015 is that Britain elected an English Nationalist Government out of fear of what the SNP could do to Britain if it had the balance of power.

A couple of Welsh seats fell to the Tories because of the same narrative; this worries me, why should Wales fear the SNP?

Because of demographic change the 2016 Assembly elections could be the very last in which the majority of voters in Wales are Welsh people rather than "the people of Wales".

We can accept, what appears to be the inevitable, that despite 1000+ years of resistance to being assimilated into England, that the battle is now lost; by continuing to vote for what have become the English Nationalist Labour party or English Nationalist Tory Party, or we can make, (what might be the very last stand for the future existence of Wales) and vote en-mass for Plaid Cymru in 2016 to secure a future for our Nation by having a government that puts Wales First!

If we vote English Nationalist Labour or English Nationalist Tory or Ultra English Nationalist UKIP in 2016, or even decide not to vote at all we may as well accept that Wales has ceased to exist and get use to the revival of the old adage For Wales - see England


  1. The battle for Cymru was lost long before the 2015 General Election, devolution made the Welsh political class complacent, but with a Tory Government on the rampage the illusion is shattered, Wales is no better protected than it was in the 1980’s and it’s ironic that Labour who delivered devolution will be the party who oversee Wales being totally subsumed into England.

    As for 2016, even this far our from the elections Plaid Cymru know they wont be the largest party, but Plaid Cymru’s failures go deeper than the current leadership, from inception onwards Plaid Cymru has failed to sell the welsh electorate a vision it wanted to back, their saving grace is no one will remember them when Cymru becomes the rugged western region of England.

  2. We could always issue the English with passports....

  3. wales needs a new independant party. plaid have gone so far to the left it can no longer represent those of us who truly seek our freedom.

    1. Do you really think that a "new party" can get more votes than Plaid in the next Assembly Election? It has taken Plaid almost 100 years to get to its present voting level. Good luck to your new party in 3 months time!
